Federal Pell Grant:
This grant does not have to be repaid. Available almost exclusively to undergraduates. Pell Grants are teh foundation of federal student financial aid, to which aid from other federal and nonfederal sources might be added.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG):
This is a Grant and does not have to be repaid. For undergraduates with exceptional finanical need. Federal Pell Grant recipients receive priority for FSEOG awards. Funds depend on availability at school.
Iraq And Afghanistan Service Grant:
This is a grant and does not have to be repaid. If you are Not eligilbe for a Pell Grant but your parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. armed forces and died as a resulf of service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001, you may be eligible for this grant.
Teacher Education Assistance For College And Higher Education (Teach) Grant:
This is a Grant and does not have to be repaid UNLESS you fail to carry out the service obligation to teach full-time at certain low-income school withing certain high-need fields for at least four academic years withing eight years after completing (or cease to enrollment in) the course of study for which the candidate received a grant.